Hata N, Nabavi A, Wells WM III, Warfield SK, Kikinis R, Black PM, Jolesz FA. Three-dimensional Optical Flow Method for Measurement of Volumetric Brain Deformation from Intraoperative MR Images. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2000;24(4):531–8.
A three-dimensional optical flow method to measure volumetric brain deformation from sequential intraoperative MR images and preliminary clinical results from five cases are reported. Intraoperative MR images were scanned before and after dura opening, twice during tumor resection, and immediately after dura closure. The maximum cortical surface shift measured was 11 mm and subsurface shift was 4 mm. The computed deformation field was most satisfactory when the skin was segmented and removed from the images before the optical flow computation.
Last updated on 02/24/2023