Group-Slicer: a collaborative extension of 3D-Slicer

Simmross-Wattenberg F, Carranza-Herrezuelo N, Palacios-Camarero C, Casaseca-de-la-Higuera P, Martín-Fernández MA, Aja-Fernández S, Ruiz-Alzola J, Westin CF, Alberola-López C. Group-Slicer: a collaborative extension of 3D-Slicer. J Biomed Inform. 2005;38(6):431–42.


In this paper, we describe a first step towards a collaborative extension of the well-known 3D-Slicer; this platform is nowadays used as a standalone tool for both surgical planning and medical intervention. We show how this tool can be easily modified to make it collaborative so that it may constitute an integrated environment for expertise exchange as well as a useful tool for academic purposes.
Last updated on 02/24/2023